Press release about LAM
The news portal of Comenius University published a press release about the LAM laboratory:
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The news portal of Comenius University published a press release about the LAM laboratory:
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The Research and Development Agency (RDA) has approved funding for the research project APVV-23-0202 on Ternary Chalcogenide Perovskites for Photovoltaics and APVV-23-0300 on Charging and Charge Transfer in Quantum Confined Nanocrystals. Congratulations!
The Faculty of Natural Sciences organized the student conference to encourage undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students to present their work on April 25, 2024. The program featured two main sessions: a presentation and a poster session. An estimated 150 participants from various departments showcased their research. Three students participated from LAM: Sameer Kumar Tiwari presented on “Preparation of BaZrS3 Thin Films at Moderate Temperature and its Mechanism.” Ivana Božeková discussed her research “Using Gold Nanocrystals to Inhibit Bacterial Growth as a Possible Alternative to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance.” This work contributes to advancing our understanding of nanomaterials in biomedical applications. Ehsan Rezaie Ahari presented a Photoluminescence study of BaZrS3 Perovskite nanocrystals at a single nanocrystal level showing a phenomenon of photoluminescence intermittence, blinking. For more info click here
PhD students Ivana Božeková, Sameer K. Tiwari were awarded UK student research grants and PhD student Daniil Zinoviev was awarded an excellent UK student grant for 2024.
Congratulations to Ivana, Sameer, Daniil!
Ing. Peter Lešták joined LAM team as a new research administrator. Welcome to LAM, Peter!
On 20.03.2024, members of the LAM team participated in an event organized by NextStep Science. This event focuses on creating contacts between those interested in career opportunities in the natural sciences, people from the field of science and the private sector. Members of the LAM team introduced the visitors to the scientific focus, work in the laboratory, and the possibilities of future use of nanomaterials and new materials that are being developed at LAM.
On 08.03.2024 Dr. Sýkora gave a lecture for dozens of participants of the Chemistry Olympiad from all over Slovakia. High school students learned about quantum dots and the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In addition, they had the opportunity to learn more about research at LAM in the form of an interesting excursion in the laboratory.
An interview with the Director of the laboratory, Dr. Milan Sýkora, under the title “Research from Los Alamos brought to Bratislava”, was published in journal „Naša Univerzita“ (Our University). You can read the entire interview in Slovak on page 16 of the magazine by clicking on „Ročník 70, 2. číslo, letný semester 2024)” here:
We have filed an international invention disclosure, based on our discovery of a new type of quantum confined nanoparticles with NIR photoluminescence that are suitable for use as contrast agents in bioimaging applications.
On January 29, 2024 LAM PhD student MSc. Namrata Jaykhedkar successfully defended her dissertation “Theoretical Modelling of Thermodynamic and Electronic Properties of Crystalline Solids” in front of a full conference room at the Science Park of Comenius University, thus fulfilling the final requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Congratulations! May this doctorate be the beginning of a very successful professional career!
As part of the “LAM seminar series”, Vice President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dr. Martin Venhart, accepted our invitation and gave an interesting lecture on the history of the Nobel Prize. The lecture took place on January 26, 2024 in the Science Park of Comenius University.
Review article “Chemical aspects of halide perovskite nanocrystals”, by Dr. M. Roy and Dr. M. Sykora, in collaboration with prof. M. Aslam, IIT Bombay, has been accepted for publication in the March issue of Topics in Current Chemistry. Congratulations!
On January 12, 2024, LAM Director, Dr. Sykora delivered an invited public lecture, promoting the LAM research and more broadly the recent advances in the development and application of nanomaterials, in the Garden Reading Room of the Juraj Fándly Library in Trnava. The recording of the lecture can be found here.
The article “Type-II CdSe/ZnO Core-Shell Nanorods: Nanoheterostructures with a Tunable Dual Emission in Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Ranges” authored by LAM researchers Dr. Anamul Haque, Mgr. Filip Zechel, Dr. Mrinmoy Roy and Dr. Milan Sýkora in collaboration with Dr. V. Vretenar from the Center for Nano-Diagnostics STU, has been accepted for publication in the prestigious journal Advanced Functional Materials, Congratulations!
The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Katalin Karikó of Hungary and Drew Weissman of the United States for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. On December 15, 2023, we welcomed at the Science Park Dr. Peter Celec, the Director of the Institute of Molecular Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, who gave an engaging lecture on the Nobel Prize and talked about the science behind this groundbreaking discovery. Congratulations to the Nobel laureates!
The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus and Aleksey Yekimov “for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots”. On December 8, 2023, LAM Director, Dr. Milan Sykora, who has been working on development of quantum dots and related materials more than 20 years, has presented a lecture giving the background and history of the discovery of the quantum dots, which are now routinely produced at LAM. Just a few minutes after Dr. Sykora’s lecture, we were directly connected to the live stream of the lectures by the Nobel laureates themselves. The recording of the Nobel laureates’ lectures can be viewed here. Congratulations to the Nobel laureates!
On November 24, 2023, LAM Director, Dr. Sýkora, delivered an invited lecture about LAM research titled “Green Synthesis and Optical Properties of Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Nano-heterostructures” at the conference “Novel Trends in Chemistry, Research and Education 2023”, at the Faculty of Science, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice.
An international patent application was filed based on LAM discovery of new method for preparation of chalcogenide perovskite materials, suitable for development of next generation of solar cells and optoelectronics.
LAM graduate Dr. Filip Zechel, received his diploma at the Comenius University graduation ceremony on November 9, 2023. Congratulations Filip!
Dr. Sýkora was an invited guest on the discussion show Experiment, which was broadcasted by Slovak Television on 9 October 2023. Dr. Sýkora introduced the audience to the chemistry and physics behind the discoveries that led to the award of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2023. The recording of the show can be viewed here.
Dr. Filip Zechel and Dr. Peter Hutár presented their research results on preparation and characterization of MoS2 nanoflakes at the 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” in Bratislava, Slovakia. See more details here.
LAM Director, Dr. Sýkora delivered an invited public lecture to talented high school students at a premier high school at Grösslingová (Gamča) Gymnasium in Bratislava, as part of the 4th year of the science-popularization school conference “Older to Younger”, a is a relatively unique concept in Slovak high schools. The lecture focused on establishing of LAM and LAM research, particularly in the area of nanomaterials. The lecture generated great interest among the students and was very interactive and engaging. One of the main objectives of this project is to stimulate interest in science and inspire students in their choice of future profession. More information can be found here and here.
A new publication by LAM researchers, Filip Zechel, Peter Hutár and Milan Sýkora, titled, “Green Colloidal Synthesis of MoS2 Nanoflakes” has just been accepted by Inorganic Chemistry. Congratulations and thank you also to our collaborators, Viliam Vretenár (STU), Karol Végsӧ (SAS), and Peter Šiffalovič (SAS).
During Aug 28 to September 2, 2023, LAM researcher Dr. Hutár attended a summer school ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) in Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic to learn more about the opportunities to utilize high powered lasers within the recently established user facility in materials research.
On Aug 28, 2023, LAM Master’s student, Bc. Daniil Zinoviev, successfully defended his Master’s thesis “Organic Photocatalysis with Quantum Confined Inorganic Nanocrystals”. Congratulations, Daniil!!! We congratulate you on your academic achievement, cheers to your well-deserved success!
On Aug 28, 2023, LAM PhD student, Mgr. Filip Zechel, successfully defended his dissertation thesis “Colloidal Syntheses of Quantum Confined Nanocrystals and Nano-heterostructures with Various Dimensionality” and is now a Doctor of Philosophy. Congratulations, Filip!!! May this be a stepping stone of your future scientific endeavors! Happy Graduation!
LAM PhD student Namrata Jaykhedkar presented her research results in the poster session at the 14th European Conference on Computational and Theoretical Chemistry (EuChemS CompChem 2023), organized by European Chemical Society at Thessaloniki, Greece. More information about the conference can be found here.
LAM PhD student Namrata Jaykhedkar presented her research results in the poster session at the Symposium “TDEP 2023: Finite-temperature and anharmonic response properties of solids in theory and practice”, organized by Linköping University at Linköping, Sweden. More information can be found here.
A new LAM publication by: Namrata Jaykhedkar, Roman Bystrický, Milan Sýkora and Tomáš Bučko, titled, “How the Temperature and Composition Govern the Structure and Band Gap of Zr-Based Chalcogenide Perovskites: Insights from ML Accelerated AIMD” was just published in Inorganic Chemistry. Congratulations!!!
The workshop will focus on important current trends and activities in the area of preparation, characterization and application of 2D materials in general as well as on current capabilities in the field of 2D materials in Slovakia. It will also serve as a networking opportunity, aiming to facilitate possible scientific collaborations.
When: 9 June 2023
Where: Comenius University Science Park, (link:, Ilkovičova 8, Bratislava
Registration: There are no registration fees. We kindly ask the participants to register via the following link – REGISTRATION no later then 8 June 2023.
Programme: The workshop programme will be organized into two morning sessions and one afternoon session. Two coffee breaks are included, lunch will not be provided.
Confirmed speakes:
Milan Sýkora (Bratislava, SK)
Establishing Laboratory for Advanced Materials at Comenius University
Jaroslav Fabian (Regensburg, DE)
Current trends in physics of 2D materials
Peter Šiffalovič (Bratislava, SK)
Overview of applied 2D materials research at Institute of Physics SAS
Ľuboš Mitaš (North Carolina, USA)
Quantum Monte Carlo for systems with strong correlations and spin-orbit interactions
Ivan Štich (Bratislava, SK)
DFT and Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of 2D materials
Marius Kadek/ Michal Repiský (Tromsø, NO)
First-principles modelling of 2D materials using relativistic all-electron Dirac-Kohn-Sham theory based on Gaussian-type orbitals
Martin Gmitra (Košice, SK)
Aspects of proximity effects in van der Waals heterostructures
Ján Minár (Plzeň, CZ)
Electronic structure, correlations and excited states of topological quantum materials
Michaela Sojková (Bratislava, SK)
Preparation of 2D Materials by CVD and PVD methods
Milan Sýkora (Bratislava, SK)
2D Nanomaterials Prepared by Bottom-up Chemical Methods
Martin Hulman (Bratislava, SK)
Raman Spectroscopy of 2D Materials
Viera Skákalová (Bratislava, SK)
Synthesis and properties of 2D metal iodides/graphene heterostructures
Dr. Sykora was a guest of the series “Knowledge, Education, Science” in Radio Regina Zapad on May 15, 2023, where he talked about nanotechnology, nanomaterials and the possibilities of their use in everyday life. You can find the recording here.
On April 27th, 2023, LAM Director, Dr. Sykora, gave a public lecture “Nanomaterials for New Technologies” at the Centre of Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic (CVTI SR) in Bratislava, Slovakia. In his lecture he explained what are nanomaterials, how are they produced and how they can be used in the development of innovative technologies. The recording of the lecture can be found here.
LAM PhD student MSc. Sameer Kumar Tiwari successfully completed and defended his mid-term thesis on April 12, 2023. Congratulations and best of luck in the second half of your PhD studies!
Our doctoral student, Sameer Kumar Tiwari was selected in a competition for student grants and was awarded a financial fund. Congratulations Sameer and good luck with the project!
On March 22, 2023, PhD students and researchers from the Laboratory of Advanced Materials participated in the NextStep Science Conference, which focuses on creating contacts between those interested in career opportunities in the natural sciences, people from the field of science and the private sector. Members of the LAM team introduced the visitors to the scientific focus, work in the laboratory, and the possibilities of future use of nanomaterials and new materials that are being developed at LAM.
On March 22, 2023, LAM Director, Dr. Sykora delivered a pitch talk at the workshop Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks and Twinning – Advanced Materials & Processes and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability, promoting Material Research Opportunities at the LAM. The workshop was organized by the Bavarian Research Alliance, Bayhost, and the Czech-Bavarian University Agency.
The annual Open Day at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University took place on February 10. More than 400 high school students from all over Slovakia had the opportunity to learn about study programmes and research that is ongoing at the faculty. Several LAM employees presented our research to the students and showed them our laboratories, where the new materials and nanomaterials are developed.
LAM Director, Dr. Sykora delivered an invited lecture about LAM research “Nanomaterials and advanced materials. New opportunities for chemists to participate in the development of innovative technologies”, at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Tecnology of Slovak Technical University, promoting the LAM research.
LAM Director, Dr. Milan Sykora, presented an invited lecture at the meeting of Slovak Chemical Society as part of the Chemical Horizons cycle entitled “Nanomaterials and advanced materials. New opportunities for chemists to participate in the development of innovative technologies”. The recording of the lecture can be found here.
MSc. Ehsan Rezaie Ahari joined LAM team as a PhD. student. Welcome to LAM, Ehsan!
A publication by LAM researchers, R. Bystricky, S.Tiwari and P. Hutár titled “Synthesis of Sulfide Perovskites by Sulfurization with Boron Sulfides”, has just been published in ACS journal Inorganic Chemistry. Congratulations, Roman, Sameer, Peter!
LAM Director, Dr. Milan Sykora presented LAM research, at the International Conference NANOP 2022 (Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics) held in Paris on October 25-27, 2022. LAM PhD student Mr. Gokul Raj Mini Rajendran presented his research results at the Poster Session, with the title of his poster “Effect of charging on electronic structure and plasmonic properties of derivatized anthracenes”. More details about the conference can be found here.
Members of LAM team participated in the 6th year of the international conference NFA 2022 – Nanomaterials Fundamentals and Applications, which was held under the High Tatras at Štrbské pleso. Ten scientists from LAM had the opportunity to present the latest discoveries in their research and share their knowledge with many other participants from Slovakia and abroad. The conference was organized by PF UPJŠ and the Slovenská chemická spoločnosť. You can find more information about the conference here and the abstracts here.
The LAM team participated in a Europe-wide one-day public outreach event, European Researchers’ Night 2022, which took place in Bratislava’s Stara tržnica. The goal was to stimulate the interest of general public, particularly elementary and high-school students, in science and also to highlight the importance of critical thinking. The visitors had opportunity to learn about various scientific disciplines through interactive demonstrations and experiments. In LAM presentation booth we showed visitors what are nanomaterials, how are they prepared and what is their importance and use in our daily lives. You can find more information about the event here.
LAM PhD student Namrata Jaykhedkar presented her research results at an international conference, Psi-K, in Lausanne, Switzerland. More information about the conference can be found here.
Mgr. Ivana Božeková and Mgr. Filip Zechel participated in ChemoUK summer school – an outreach activity aimed at talented high school students. Ivana and Filip prepared and guided students during a laboratory exercise focused on “green” synthesis and characterization of Copper nanocrystals.
LAM PhD student Namrata Jaykhedkar’s paper “Understanding the structure-band gap relationship in SrZrS3 at elevated temperatures: A detailed NPT MD study”, has just been published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Congratulations, Namrata!
Dr. Anamul Haque joined LAM team as a postdoctoral research associate. Welcome to LAM, Anamul!
LAM Director, Dr. Sykora delivered an invited lecture, promoting the LAM research, at the international conference ”From Solid State to Biophysics X” in Dubrovnik, Croatia. More information about the conference can be found here.
LAM Director, Dr. Sykora delivered an invited lecture, promoting the LAM research, at the University of Regensburg, Germany.
LAM PhD student Mgr. Ivana Božeková successfully completed and defended her mid-term thesis today. Congratulations and best of luck in the second half of your PhD studies!
LAM Director, Dr. Sykora and several LAM PhD students and researchers participated in the annual Conference organized by NextStepScience, which took place at Comenius University Science Park on March 16, 2022. The conference focused on professional networking between people looking for career opportunities in natural sciences and local companies, start-ups, entrepreneurs, initiatives and inspiring individuals from science and technology. At the conference Dr. Sykora presented to the attendee’s information about the goals, scientific focus and career opportunities at LAM and answered number of questions to interested participants.
Mgr. Natália Prekopová joined LAM team as a new research administrator. Welcome to LAM, Natália!
Dr. Pavol Tisovský joined LAM team as a research associate. Welcome to LAM, Pavol!
Dr. Mrinmoy Roy joined LAM team as a postdoctoral research associate. Welcome to LAM, Mrinmoy!
LAM Director, Dr. Sykora delivered an invited lecture, promoting the LAM research, at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Dr. Peter Hutár joined LAM team as a postdoctoral research associate. Welcome to LAM, Peter!
LAM Director, Dr. Sykora delivered a lecture, promoting the LAM research, at the international conference “Graphene 2021”, in Grenoble, France. More information about the conference can be found here.
LAM has launched a lecture series called the “LAM Seminar Series” aimed at introducing the scientific community, students, and the public to significant advances in materials science, as well as at the interface of materials science, chemistry, physics, and biology. Our first guest was Prof. Ing. Kamila Kočí, PhD from the Laboratory of Heterogeneous Photocatalysis, Institute of Environmental Technologies, CEET, VŠB-Technical University Ostrava, Czech Republic. In her engaging lecture, the lecturer presented her research in the field of photocatalysis. More information about the speaker and the lecture can be found here.
The Open Day event – a unique opportunity for the Faculty of Natural Sciences to present its research and educational programmes – was held online this year, with more than 220 active participants and several members of LAM team. The Laboratory for Advanced Materials and its research activities was presented by the LAM director, Dr. Milan Sýkora. Thank you to all participants & we are looking forward to welcome you next year! More information can be found here.
On Jan 18, 2021 the Director of LAM – Dr. Milan Sýkora gave a Career talk during the online event. The participants could learn about his research work in the Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA and in Laboratory for Advanced Materials in Slovakia. Networking activities were an interesting part of the event, facilitating new contacts and collaboration opportunities.
Researchers from the Laboratory for Advanced Materials participated in the CHeMoUK summer school for high school students at the Faculty of Natural Sciences during Aug 27 – 31, 2020.
LAM designed and sponsored a laboratory excercise for the CHeMoUK summer school, where the students could fabricate and test a functional solar cell. The program of the summer school also included a „Day in the life of a scientist”, providing students with an opportunity to experience research work in the actual scientific laboratory. Dr. Lukáš Petra and Mgr. Ivana Božeková of LAM guided students in preparation and characterization of metal nanoparticles. At the end of the CHeMoUK summer school, students presented their work to their student colleagues during a miniconference.
The research proposal for studies of properties and applications of Ternary Chalcogenides was selected for funding by the Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV) just last week. Congratulations!
The workshop will focus on important current trends and activities in the area of preparation, characterization and application of 2D materials in general as well as on current capabilities in the field of 2D materials in Slovakia. It will also serve as a networking opportunity, aiming to facilitate possible scientific collaborations.
When: March 27 2020
Where: Comenius University Science Park (link:, Ilkovicova 8, Bratislava
Registration: There are no registration fees. We kindly ask the participants to register via the following link – REGISTRATION no later than March 13 2020.
Programme: The workshop programme will be organized into two morning sessions and one afternoon session. Two coffee breaks are included, lunch will not be provided. Further details will be published in the following weeks.
Confirmed speakers:
Prof. Jaroslav Fabián (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Current trends in physics of 2D materials
Prof. Vladimír Bužek (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Quantum Flagship and national platform QUTE-SK
Prof. Ivan Stich/Dr. Ján Brndiar (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
DFT and Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of 2D materials
Prof. Roman Martoňák (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Slovakia)
Quantum and classical ripples in graphene
Dr. Martin Gmitra (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia)
Dr. Denis Kochan (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Spin relaxation and superconductivity in 2D materials
Dr. Martin Hulman (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia)
Raman Spectroscopy of 2D Materials
Dr. Milan Sýkora (LAM, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Slovakia)
2D Nanomaterials Prepared by Bottom-up Methods
Prof. Viera Skákalová (Danubia Nanotech, Slovakia)
Conductance fluctuations in graphene and quantum Hall states
Each year, the Faculty of Natural Sciences opens its doors to the general public to showcase the opportunities and information about research and study programmes.
Aiming to kindle interest in materials science and nanomaterials research among the visitors, Mgr. Filip Zechel presented various areas that LAM scientists focus on. Thank you for visiting!
Director of LAM, ERA Chair, Dr. M. Sýkora presented the overview of the LAM research program at Advanced Technologies Research Institute, at Slovak Technical University in Trnava, Slovakia.
Students participating in the CHeMoUK summer school tried out some interesting experiments this week. In the LAM designed and sponsored lab exercise participants prepared and tested their own solar cells using some commonly available materials, such as pigments extracted from blackberries.
Laboratory for Advanced Materials is now a partner of the Summer school – CHeMoUK. During the first week of July students will have an opportunity to learn more about research in the field of novel materials during a lecture and a discussion led by the head of the LAM, Dr. Milan Sýkora. The participants will also take part in an interesting practical lab exercise, sponsored by LAM. More details about the CHeMoUK program and this year’s summer school can be found here and here.
The Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University received a visit from the president of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (IAQMS), Prof. Odile Eisenstein. The main goal of IAQMS is to provide a forum for international contact and collaboration and a periodical evaluation of the main developments, advances and promising directions of research in the broad field of its interest – the application of quantum mechanics to the study of molecules and macromolecules. It was established in Menton, France in 1967 and among it’s members there are 14 laureates of the Nobel prize.
On December 14th Prof. Eisenstein gave a lecture about her research involving chemical shifts in NMR spectra of organometallic compounds. NMR is without any doubt one of the most versatile methods for characterization of chemical species. It is used widely in all domains of chemistry and biology. Prof. Eisenstein showed, that by combining the information derived from solid state NMR with simple molecular orbitals analysis it is possible to understand specific reactions associated with transition metal complexes.
Prof. Odile Eisenstein currently performs her research at the Institut Charles Gerhardt, University Montpellier and at the Hylleraas centre for Quantum Molecular Science, University of Oslo. In her scientific work she focuses on theoretical chemistry, reaction mechanisms, organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis.
The university periodic My University informed about the visit in the January 2019 issue.
Laboratory for advanced materials (LAM), established 1.10.2018 as a part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences will be lead by RNDr. Milan Sykora, PhD., as of 1.2.2019. The head of LAM (the ERA-chair position within the LAMatCU-H2020-WIDESPREAD-03-2017-ERAchairs project) was chosen in an international selection process from several other candidates.
RNDr. Milan Sykora, PhD. is an internationally recognized expert in the area of material chemistry. The results of his research were published in prestigious peer-reviewed scientific journals, for example Nature, J. Am. Chem. Soc. and ACS Nano and are highly cited. He has also contributed to the development of eight patent applications, all in the area of materials science. His research includes number of important advances/breakthroughs in the field of materials science.
RNDr. Milan Sykora, PhD. obtained his master’s degree in chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava. He received his PhD. in chemistry from Marquette University, Milwaukee in USA and later moved to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he performed a postdoctoral research. Prior to his return to Slovak republic he held a position as a permanent technical staff member at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), New Mexico, USA. As the head of LAM, he will establish a research program in the field of advanced materials. Particular focus will be on materials for applications in energy conversion and storage, optoelectronics, electronics and related applications.
The information was published in the Our University periodic.